Saturday, January 16, 2010

IntelliJ Scala Plugin Compile Errors

Are you trying your first steps with Scala like I do, using IntelliJ with its Scala plug-in?
Do you see something like the following while trying to compile you Scala source code?

Information:Compilation completed with 3 errors and 0 warnings
Information:3 errors
Information:0 warnings
Error: error while loading Predef, Scala signature Predef has wrong version
Error:expected: 5.0
Error:found: 4.1 in C:\Users\\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\scala-library\2.7.7\scala-library-2.7.7.jar(scala/Predef.class)

Well, if you are clueless like I was it might interest you that this problem is most likely coming from a lack of backwards compatibility in compiler version and that the IntelliJ plug-in for Scala that I use seems to use a newer compiler (Scala 2.8 -> internal 5.0) than what most libraries like for example scalatest 1.0 are compiled against (2.7.7 -> internal 4.1).

The remedy is to point your IntelliJ plug-in to the libraries downloaded with the Scala 2.7.7 final installation. As far as I know as of now you have to do this under Project Structure by either clicking on the Project Structure icon or by using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S and then under Project Settings you select Facets. This should give you a dialog window where you can set the Scala compiler library and the Scala SDK library.

Make sure you did not install on a path with spaces because that would be interpreted as separate paths constructs.


Unknown said...

thank you, this was quite helpful. really starting to get into this. have you played with akka yet?

Unknown said...

Aw mate - that was a beautiful tip. Thanks

MJ said...

The very same error one can get when using e.g. maven-scala-plugin

The remedy for this should be changing the scala version number in your pom.xml