Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hunting for the Maven Repository hosting Spring Framework 2.5 RC 1 binaries

Spring Framework 2.5 RC 1 is released. But as Maven user, where do I get the binaries from?

For those in a hurry: You will find the information in a blog entry by Ben Hale.

If you want to know how I found the information, read on...

I could download the distribution from the Spring Framework download page. But then I would need to go through all that work to put the needed files on our internal repository. What a hassle.

Somehow I figured out that the Sprint Framework development team puts its binaries on a Maven repository on S3. But finding something there is another challenge. You can browser, but you cannot search...

But finally I found a blog entry on Carlos Sanchez blog which contained the desperately wanted information. Carlos was listing the repository URL as well as the source where he got the information from: A blog entry by Ben Hale.

For how to configure your repository information in your pom XML file, see Ben Hales posting.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Eclipse Europa and MyEclipse 6.0

Eclipse 3.3 or Europa is out since a few days.

After many years of downloading and using almost every single Milestone release I started this year using MyEclipse. It is just convenient and it comes with some very compelling plug-ins.

Going through the new features for Europa and especially the fact that a new MyLar (or new name MyLyn) comes with the release makes it very tempting to switch back to the "pure" Eclipse usage. The only think I would missing is the in my eyes very good MyEclipse Wep Application and Application server integration plug-in.

According to a blog entry on MyEclipse Blog MyEclipse is already working on an update that builds on Eclipse 3.3 (Europa). So lets see how fast we get MyEclipse 6.0.

Music at Work: Shostakovich

Classical music is always a good background at work if I need to shut off from office noise around me. Structured music like for example from Johann Sebastian Bach helps thinking in an concentrated way. Recently I purchased Shostakovich: Cello Concerto No1, Op107; Violin Concerto No1 (revised), Op99. This music is different from the classical music I usually listen to. Shostakovich wrote the Cello Concerto No. 1 in E Flat Major, Opus 107 in 1959 (see also the article on Wikipedia). At the first I was listening to the recording I thought I might regret getting the CD. But then I got to the Cello Concerto which turned out to be a fascinating piece of music.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

PowerShell Profiles in Vista

To enable your PowerShell Profile file under Vista do the following
  1. Open a PS shell
  2. In the shell type $profile and then press Enter. This shows you the path to the profile file.
  3. Create the profile file. Type: new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force
  4. In your new profile file enter a line like the following which is a shortcut for editing you new profile file: function pro { notepad $profile }
  5. Next enable execution of PowerShell scripts. Per default you cannot execute PowerShell scripts. Enabling scripts can be done with the following command: set-executionpolicy remotesigned. Under Vista this will only work if you run the PowerShell as an administrator.
  6. Open a new PowerShell and test your new function added previously: pro